Opening Night
5 November 2024
Terrace Greenhouse
223 South Terrace,
South Fremantle​​
Exhibition is open 5-10th November 10am-4pm.​​
Breathing Space
Moving to Perth as a young mum, leaving behind a thriving photography business, and starting a life in a brand new culture was a big challenge for me, but this transition provided me with the opportunity to step back and consider my next steps.
Coming from a very intense and fast-paced country, and after facing some personal loss, Western Australia became a breathing space for me and I finally had time to unwind and reflect on my inner self.
The stunning scenery of WA inspired me to dream and visualize what it means to be free, but only after a few years I realised what drew me to landscape photography - it was the feeling of being able to take a breath from the intensity of life and just be in the moment.
This will be my first solo exhibition, and I'd love you to take part of it by either coming to the opening night or the exhibition, purchasing a product to support my art, or do both. I'm grateful to have this opportunity to share about my journey, and maybe inspire you as well.​​